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Post Info TOPIC: Need Suggestions on beginer hunter course design for small arena 60x140


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Date: Jan 18, 2011
Need Suggestions on beginer hunter course design for small arena 60x140
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Anybody who would have some suggestions on an easy hunter course (schooling show for beginers 1"9" max) for a small arena 60 x 140 would be greatly appreciated. Natually I would like it to flow with no forced lead changes. The owners would like 5 fences but I am having trouble designing it (8 jumping efforts) with 5 without having a flying change which is just begging for a counter canter which I don't want to see in a novice horse or horse and rider. ^ fences would be easy but it is very tight with the dimensions available. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Alright, so I've never designed a hunter course before, but maybe you could use this as a rough estimate? It might be a squeeze, I'm not sure. hmm Feel free to adjust as you see fit! :) Forgive my amazing MS Paint illustrations ;)

ETA: I think I overestimated the stride length, so you can just pare that down to about 36ft for green lines and 24ft for pink lines, if you want, depending on how big of ponies you have!

-- Edited by Barnmouser Ash on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 03:44:29 AM


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Hay Nancy, welcome : )!

Thanks to Ash, I can commandeer her design, thank you Ash : )

Shouldn't have a bending line (seen on right) in Beginners, generally (altho four strides or more between eliminates the bending line, sort of : ). Other than that, you might want to add a simple change of direction (any lead changes would be pretty obvious and easy to land into as well as optional depending on course order, riders jumping should be able to manage natural changes). Standard BH would be something like two fences on each long side, with a 'figure-8' addition thru the center: one or two fences on a diagonal, one if it's tight: that will answer your 5 fence request. At least two strides between each fence. Plenty of room for adjustment in a 60 x 140 and with this design. 18" to 2' would be the height range (not sure on that one, been a long time and my rule book is not immediately handy, plus, i am going by USEF). At an unrated event, be safe and thoughtful, let it flow. If the clientele wishes/requires less or more, there's room.

Nice thing about this basic course is that any fence can be the start. With this course, you can start it in such a way that a lead change would happen only after the last fence: start on correct lead to the diagonal line first and finish around the changes needed : ) Go around twice to make  8+ efforts.

Ash, how did you DO that?? MS Paint illustrations... WANT! Please be gentle, I am techno-moron extra-ordinaire, PM me with all you know : )

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 06:21:54 AM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 06:22:56 AM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 06:28:17 AM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 06:29:04 AM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 06:30:35 AM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Okie dokie, I revised it a bit. I don't know if I got everything you mentioned, Justice, so let me know if I need to change anything ;)


I'm not a hunter by any means, but I think this is a fairly simple course. If you need to adjust it, please, by all means do so :)

I think 18" is a good jump height, maybe for the 1st on the left and 2nd on the right a little lower to accomodate the second (black) path.

Justice: I run Windows XP, but you should have it in Vista or 7; I use Microsoft Paint. You can find it (on XP at least) by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint :) it's a pretty nifty little program to draw with!

ETA: Just noticed I completely missed the part about the figure 8 design. Maybe you can draw us up a design using MS Paint, Justice? ;)

-- Edited by Barnmouser Ash on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 03:50:41 PM


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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How flippin' simple can it get! thanks so much A, you done good, even with your non-hunter hunter round : )

just gotta figure out how to get my design to show up HERE.....


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Awesome little programme, Ash, here is the short and sweet of beginner hunters, tho far from scale : )

Obviously, one would want to be particular about diagonal lines in relation to the outside lines but basic design is perceptable.

Nancy, let us know what you finally end up with! And have a blast : )

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 08:20:55 PM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Ah, Justice, I see what you mean now about the 'figure 8' ;) Your design looks pretty sweet and a lot less messy! Haha. I figure you could still implement a total of 9-12 strides per length-wise side of the arena, and about 6-9 strides per width-wise side. I like having that centre jump there to give the rider a little more space to straighten out whereas in my design you've got to come up pretty quick even though there are 5 strides or so to do that in. Hmm..

Yes, please do let us know what you end up using! :)

Glad you figured out MS Paint, J ;) if you're feeling REALLY ambitious you can download "the GIMP", which is another graphics program that's a lot more complex than MS Paint but not as complex as something like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paint Shop Pro, etc. :)


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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My center fence is not in a good place ergo the " particular in relation to the outside line...." line.

60 feet is a short side and can be tough at the canter for an unbalanced rider and/or horse. I would suggest, due to the ring dimensions, that if a diagonal fence IS used, that it be almost in line with one end or the other (of fences), allowing for the easiest/widest turn into it as possible.

Lordy, Ash, you lost me at "ambitious"! gimme some time with this paint thang for a while, THEN I will endeavur to dazzle further : )

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 09:23:39 PM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 09:25:30 PM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 09:26:40 PM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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this might help clarify?

sorry about the double imagery

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 09:49:57 PM

-- Edited by justice on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 09:51:31 PM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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Oh J, I think that looks great. Then perhaps circle back up around and go through 3, 4, and 5 again for your 8 attempts if necessary?

LOL Alright alright, when you're feeling... risky ;)


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines


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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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I've gone thru both your posts and I worked out basically the same idea with the diagonal at the angle your have set it. In your attachments your only have 5 jumping efforts. What I think I will do is as follows (with your most welcome input!!!)  See attachment "five fences with 8 jumping efforts with simple (lead change). The art work is most kindergarten but just to be clear....After fence 5 take the same line as if you were heading to fence two (on the left lead) cut back on the diagonal opposite to fence one...just before passing beside fence # 1 do simple change of lead to RL and follow around basically the same line as when at the START. Without indicating the simple change on the course sheets the entrants may try to do a flying change when changing direction to the RL when coming into 6. (also there will be no advantage to the entrants who's horses CAN do a flying change). I would like to have 6 fences but it is just too tight. This is a little awkward but gives a little challange while giveing the real beginners a chance.
Nancy R.


Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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hay Nance : )..something hinkey about the turnflow from 5 to 6 to 7 ...those are REALLY going to be tight turns for the true noobs, won't ride well for the arthritics, either.

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:10:39 AM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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I have to agree with Justice. The course looks nice, except the funky turnstyle. Also you're going to get a counter-canter from start to jump one unless you get a flying change from 1 to 2? Then again from 6 to 7, you would need a change. I know you indicated one simple change.. are you planning to allow a simple change between those ones?

ETA: I noticed you have LL and RL, curious as to why the wall side jumps get a right lead between fences? Is this a hunter thing I don't know about? LOL

-- Edited by Barnmouser Ash on Tuesday 18th of January 2011 11:50:42 PM


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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J, your design looks nice and simple and allows for one simple or flying change :) Nicely done.


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines


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Date: Jan 18, 2011
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I know what you mean so I took my mare out (she is quite green 16:1+HH TB) and I AM an arthritic with a total hip replacement in 1999!. I had to move the diagonal fence quite a few times. Actually with finessing the placement of the diagonal fence it is quite flowing. It really suits my mare (coincidentally) as she isn't fussy on her right lead and the first time I did it without the simple change she did end up counter cantering trying to get her legs under her with the change in direction. For a handy hunter this would be no problem but these are beginers so I think the simple change as part of the official course. The judge will give a a few pointers before the class begins ie use the corners and do the simple change right in front of the fence you are passing parallel to (#6). I use to have my own place with an arena 60X160 and it was quite nice for 6 fences. We had an outdoor hunter ring, a dressage ring, a ginormouse (pun)sand ring for the jumpers and a small 1 KM xcountry course that passed thru the creek three times. It's been a long time since those days but still enjoy the challenge. I really do appreciate your work and suggestions. I can only push the organizers so much as they want to do it all. And so did I when I was at their stage of the game. Again, thank you so much.



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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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Any horse, if left alone, will change their lead with each jumping effort. The idea is to set the course so when the horse does what comes natually they will always be in the correct lead for the direction of the line to the next fence. When you get to more advanced hunter classes like "Handy Hunter" or "Open Hunter" the horse will have to
do flying changes to be on the correct lead for the line coming up. If in the air over jump 2 the rider placed more weight to the left the horse would (with practise)  come down on the same lead he took off on. So, for instance there was only one fence on the long side, if left to his own devices he would be on the right (incorrect) lead going into a left line. Nancy  This post was to reply to the question about hunters changing their leads each time they jump. In fact all horses do that without interference from the rider.

-- Edited by Nancy613 on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:14:00 AM

-- Edited by Nancy613 on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:17:29 AM


Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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thanks, Ash : )

here's a cheap way to add a 6th fence  but ride it yourself first so you know if/how it will flow. there are a ton  of courses you can ride here, too. very adjustable.

sorry again for the double image!

i am having a blast with this paint thang so thank YOU, Nancy for the opportunity to play: )

 i understand well the hip replacements and knees, and various assorted non-original parts. and their unpredictable limitations.

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:18:18 AM

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:25:12 AM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."


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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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In the first course you have set it is very cute and I like it but going over fence 6 you would be in the right lead going into a left turning line. There is a very nice simple course I use to do for our inside hunter schooling shows with 6 fences that puts you at the correct lead for each line. Just a sec and I;ll show you. I'm pretty rusty in PAINT as you must have noticed but I'll do it quickly just so you can see what I mean. Sorry for all the dubs. Didn't think it was uploading and kept on trying again. I wasn't trying to be emphatic or anything LOL Nancy

-- Edited by Nancy613 on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 12:47:19 AM



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Ps to Ash and J The show is this sunday so I will let you know how the entrants found the course to ride and I will ride it with my mare again to fine tune the distances of fences placed to make it flow as much as possible. I have to say this (Barnmice) is such a great place. I won the cooler on the quizz a few weeks ago and the cooler is excellent. I have to fold it in half for my pony. It practically drags on the ground for my TB mare and is even too big for my old dressage horse (retired now) who is 17:1 After a good work this cooler dries them out in about 10 min. I am going to write to the Insurance CO. that provided it and tell them what a great prize it is and it get's used every day. Again thank you for your comments and fine suggestions and constructive criticism. One is never too old to learn a new trick.


Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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I know nothing of multi dubbing....mwahahaha!!

So! yes:  fence 1-5: RL. change for/at/right after fence 6 to LL thru 7, change to RL again around fence 4, finish course all on RL.

based on my 6 fence course....this is fun, glad you came aboard : )

of course, there's the crossing one's own line issue, too, but we talking beginners here. Olympic rules can be very limiting sometimes : ) Build your course to allow for some fun at this level or else no-one will want to progress.

Yes, took me a minute to "ride" it right , too, (late here) but I vote for Nancy's design : )

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 01:08:42 AM

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 01:11:02 AM

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 01:29:53 AM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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Congrats on the cooler!! Looking forward to hearing about the show, too : )

Put up a simple course with clear, uncomplicated lines, inviting fences and sweeping turns and all be just dandy : )


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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I missed quite a bit in the last hour or so, it seems! Haha :P I like your 6 fence design, Jus. It makes sense though might be a little bit cramped. Nancy, your simple circle course looks nice also! I had to look at it a few times before I realized the direction of travel, but it looks very nice!

In regards to flying changes; I figured changing leads over a jump was considered a flying change (you're flying more over a jump than you are on the ground ;) haha!), but if that is not considered a flying change then by all means I love your designs!

Awesome that you got the cooler! Barnmice is an incredible place full of pretty neat people with great opinions and information to share! So glad it's not just another dump of a social networking site. :)


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines


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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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The jumps will be very low and for the most part cross poles and one very tiny brush box. It would be easy enough for someone who had never jumped before to go out and trot the course. I'm sure if it was done smoothly and they made use of all the arena in their turns they would still have a good time. I think there are 13 preregisted in it already. Of course there are showmanship classes and walk trot classes and senior and junior English pleasure and equitation and even a lead line class for the little ones just getting on their first year. In the afternoon there will be the W. Pleasure and Equitation then two games. The owners want it to finish fairly early so people don't have to load their horse in the dark.  Anyway...time for bed. and again thank you both so much. Yes it was fun.!!!  Nancy


Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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Ash, a flying change is a change of lead while sustaining canter. Jumping over a fence is mechanically the same as a really big canter stride (for the horse) and it is common to change lead requests on the last stride in so as to land in the change/correct on the way out

Nancy, you are right.  lost my focus on fence 6, forgot about the new guys trying to navigate it.

-- Edited by justice on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 01:46:20 AM


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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Ah, gotcha. Makes enough sense :)

Not a problem Nancy :) Looking forward to news from the show!


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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This paint stuff is very cool. Thanks, BA : )


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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Hahahaha. I love the new abbreviation ;) Best keep this rated G though. Of course it means "Barnmouser Ash" :p

MS Paint is fun! I just reinstalled my version of Corel Paint Shop Pro XI (professional graphics program) since my laptop poo-ed out on me for a bit and I just got it running again. :) Pretty nifty stuff!


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 19, 2011
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BA.... Barnmouser Ash, but of course!! (tho I was thinking more 'Benny Arnold' since you are relocating up over the line.. hahaha : )

Pro graphics are WAYYYY beyond me yet, tho not due to lack of interest, just time and aptitude!


"....there is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life..."

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