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Post Info TOPIC: Let's Write The Barnmice Saga! "Hearts and Hay Bales"

Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 9, 2010
Let's Write The Barnmice Saga! "Hearts and Hay Bales"
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Thought I'd start a little saga.  Everyone join in and we'll get a great story line going!!

"Hearts and Hay Bales"

Claire Riley was looking forward to her ride as she drove along the country road to Sunny Hill Stables. Chauncy had been such a good boy all week, and the two of them were really starting to feel like partners.

Claire's only worry was that that horrible Viola Southbend might be riding at the same time and ruin everything.

Claire pulled into the driveway and parked the car.  She gathered her extra jacket, her bag of carrots and her coffee, balancing them as she headed toward the barn. As she entered the barn, she tried to focus on the wonderful ride that lay ahead of her, rather than think for even a minute about Viola. 

Just as she turned to close the door behind her, the bag of carrots slipped from her hand.  Before she could turn back around to retrieve them, another hand reached down to pick them up for her.

"Looks like you've got your hands full. Let me help you carry those to the tack room".

Claire gulped.  Standing before her was Randy Sears, the new stable hand. Tall, blonde and blue-eyed, with hair a bit too long in front.  He brushed it out of his eyes and extended his free hand.

"Hi, I'm Randy. Nice to meet you."

Claire fumbled a reply which she thought might have been "Hi I'm Claire", but she wasn't sure.  She was too busy trying to suppress the blush that was quickly filling her cheeks....

-- Edited by Barbara F on Tuesday 9th of November 2010 06:49:11 PM



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Date: Nov 9, 2010
RE: Let's Write The Barnmice Saga!
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"Yes, I know who you are - I saw you ride your horse the other day.  You have a nice seat and soft hands" said Randy as he followed Claire into the tack room.

Supressing a giggle, Claire said "It's nice to have some new faces around the barn and thank you - I really enjoy riding my horse".

__________________ - Warmblood/Draft Cross Sport Horses. New Horse Hay Feeder

Well Schooled

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Date: Nov 9, 2010
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Inside the tack room was Claire's best friend, Jane Adams. Jane was just back from Germany with her new horse, Scholaire. At 17 hands, the Hanovarian was quite an impressive sight. Not to mention just 4 years old and very high spirited.

Just like Jane, sighed Claire. Always a sucker for the big ones.

"Hi Jane", said Claire. "Thanks for bringing in those delicious cupcakes yesterday! And congratulations again on finding such a fantastic ride. Such a good boy!"

-- Edited by Gary Stuart on Tuesday 9th of November 2010 03:34:18 PM

-- Edited by Gary Stuart on Tuesday 9th of November 2010 04:58:22 PM


Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 9, 2010
Let's Write The Barnmice Saga! "Hearts and Hay Bales"
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Jane was too distracted to reply. She was holding one of her riding boots upside down and giving it a vigorous shake. She'd heard a story years before about a girl who slid her foot into a riding boot only to be bitten by a mouse that had found its way into the toe. Jane was determined to avoid such an encounter and each day before her ride she gave her boots a good shake.

When she finally looked up, Jane realized that Claire wasn't alone. "Hi", she said, introducing herself to Randy. "Sorry. I thought I saw a mouse run into my locker..."

Before Randy could respond, the door flew open and in bounded Eloise Brady, breathlessly introducing herself and explaining that she had just come in from a run, well a brisk walk, really, and was now completely out of breath and far too tired to ride.

Eloise was determined to go from tubby to trim before show season and informed Jane that those cupcakes from yesterday "hadn't helped my diet one little bit!"

-- Edited by Barbara F on Tuesday 9th of November 2010 06:54:03 PM



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Date: Nov 9, 2010
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Randy, who was very used to the female tribulations at a stable turned to Eloise and said "Well I think you look great - and Jane - I will make a determined effort to make sure there are no mice in your locker.  Claire, a pleasure to meet you finally.  Now I will let you ladies continue with your abulations while I get back to work."

With that Randy bowed and left the tack room with all the ladies almost drooling at the sight of his bouncy blonde hair and tight jeans.

After a marked silence in the tack room, Jane was the first to speak.  "Eloise - I am sorry about the cupcakes but I was in the mood to bake and thought everyone would enjoy them."

-- Edited by prospect on Tuesday 9th of November 2010 06:03:00 PM

__________________ - Warmblood/Draft Cross Sport Horses. New Horse Hay Feeder

Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 9, 2010
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Patricia Claxton hesitated before entering the tackroom. She had 30 minutes before she had to teach her next lesson and she was longing for a cup of tea.

She wondered if anyone would remember.

It was exactly three years ago today that she lost her beloved Tom. They had built Sunny Hills soon after their wedding and the beautiful farm was their pride and joy.

How could Tom have died so suddenly? It didn't make sense to Patricia that a fit man in his early forties could simply have a heart attack and die. Her mind flashed back to the moment she found him, but she quickly brushed the memory away, put a smile on her face and opened the tackroom door.



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Well Schooled

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Date: Nov 9, 2010
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In front of her stood the reason why she and Tom were so excited to build their new home. They both adored children and horses, and couldn't imagine a more perfect life than combining the two in what was to be, the perfect life. But, unfortunately, they discovered they were unable to have children of their own, and although they had continued to seek out the most promising treatments available.....none of them were successful. And then, suddenly, Tom died.



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Date: Nov 9, 2010
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Patricia missed Tom but was determined to carry on there dream of running there stables filled with kids. Teaching them not only how to ride but everything she could about horses. Thinking that the girls forgot about the date she didn't say anything. But the girls did remeber but just didnt know how to bring it up thinking it would upset her.



Well Schooled

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Date: Nov 10, 2010
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when from behind her a shrill voice rang out  "Randy! Randy! I need your help!".  She knew that voice all to well and quickly pulled her hand away.  It was Viola!
"Well...gotta go!" she said and turned away, walking fast towards Chaucey's stall, clutching the carrots.  Darn that Viola! She always had to make an appearance at the worst times! Just like at the hunter clinic this past summer.  There had only been four riders signed up and Viola had not been one of them.  The trainer was none other than Ed Hostel, the top hunter rider in the state, and it was Claire's turn to ride the pattern.  Just as she was about to start a huge van and trailer pulled up right outside the arena, the driver beeping and waving!  Viola!  She leaped daintily out of her truck and rushed up to the gate, waving and calling to Ed, apologizing and begging to be let in the class in that annoying, affected southern drawl she used.  Well of course he let her in! What could he do? And Claire had to wait until Viola had unloaded her precious Monty, tacked up and even warmed up! Totally flustered after that,  her round went horribly and Chauncey refused two jumps, tossed his head and even kicked out!  She could still hear Viola's twittering laugh as she struggled to calm Chauncey.  "That's what you get when you ride anything other than a warmblood..." she heard Viola tell Ed. 


Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 10, 2010
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"Show's how much Viola knows", thought Claire, as she admired her Chauncey, who was happily crunching on some carrots Claire had just tossed into his feed bucket.

The six year old Clyde/Thoroughbred cross was the ideal combination of strength and elegance. His shimmering coat belied his rough start in life, and his calm and confident manner were a testament to the love and care that Claire had showered upon him since adopting him from Horse Haven Rescue 15 months earlier.

As Claire walked Chauncey into the wash stall, her mind started to wander and she couldn't help thinking about the unusual circumstances surrounding Tom's death. Like Patricia, she couldn't understand how a man as fit as Tom could suddenly die of a heart attack. And the way he was found. How horrible. Just lying in the storage room, the ladder to the hayloft pulled down as if waiting for him to climb up and begin his chores.

Claire's thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. She turned around to find herself face to face with Viola.

-- Edited by Barbara F on Wednesday 10th of November 2010 11:22:35 PM

-- Edited by Barbara F on Wednesday 10th of November 2010 11:24:12 PM



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Well Schooled

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Date: Nov 12, 2010
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"Hi Claire, doesn't your horse look all shiney today. Looks like you'll have to clip him early though. You know how those mixed breeds grow such long coats."

"Yes, when should I clip him, Viola?" Claire calmly replied. "Since your Westphalen is a mixed breed too, you must know all about these things."  Then, without missing a beat, she added "Why were you screaming for Randy to help you? I thought there was an emergency."

"Yes, I was trying to open the window in my horse's stall and it was so heavy I needed a big, strong man to help me."

"Oh please", Clair thought, as she turned back toward her horse. Her lesson  with Patricia was in 20 minutes and she still hadn't started grooming.

-- Edited by Barnmice Admin on Friday 12th of November 2010 05:00:03 PM



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Date: Nov 12, 2010
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She collected her grooming kit and was about to begin when she heard a voice behind her. Viola had bumped into Randy and was seemingly enjoying some obvious flurting. Randy, on the other hand, seemed to be trying to get out of the tricky situation.

She turned back to Chauncy to start grooming him. "Good lad." She said. Suddenly a hand touched her on the shoulder and she jumped. A male voice spoke. "Do you want a hand?" Randy had managed to get rid of Viola. "I see you got rid of her, then." Claire said. He picked up another brush and started on the other side.

"I see, so you were born in Canada, then? And you moved here, when?" They talked about a whole range of things until they were finished. Chauncy looked wonderful. "Thanks, Randy. Are you going to come and watch?" He agreed and led Chauncy out. Claire mounted, picked up her reins and kicked Chauncy on. "Come on then, boy." They walked together to the outdoor school.

Patricia welcomed them and started the lesson. She looked as though she had been crying but Claire thought it better not to bring it up. And so the lesson began. Luckily Viola wasn't
riding so Claire was able to concentrate on Chauncy. The only thing Claire had to hope was that Viola wasn't going to turn up to watch and patronise her.


Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 18, 2010
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After a few minutes, Randy went back to the barn to continue his work. Claire spotted Viola bouncing out the door to greet him. Ugghh...that Viola. Always flirting with the boys Claire liked.



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Well Schooled

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Date: Nov 19, 2010
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As the lesson wore on, Claire noticed Patricia's concentration wavering. She decided to end her lesson early and begged Patricia to let her off the hook. She claimed Chaucny needed a mental break and would benefit from a brisk hack for the later half of the lesson time. Patricia, in a bit of a haze, agreed and wandered off towards the barn when Claire headed Chauncy towards the forest trails.

Patricia had made her way through the barn and overheard Viola making snide remarks about Claire. Patricia and Tom had become like surrogate parents to Claire. Claire's own parents, Margaret and Carl Riley, were too busy to spend time with Claire and had always left her with nannies during her childhood. As she got older, she spent most of her free time at Sunny Hills and had formed a strong bond with Patricia and Tom.

"...and that half-breed abomination she rides. Claire actually believes he can bring her to the Olympics! Shopsey the Great!" Viola sneared to Monty. "She would probably die if she had a horse as fine as you," she purred.

A horse doesn't care how much you know until he knows how much you care.

Grand Prix

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Date: Nov 24, 2010
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As Claire and Chauncy ambled on through the wooded trail, headed towards the open hay field beyond it, she couldn't help but find herself bouncing between the sudden and tragic death of Tom; who was like a father to her, and Randy; who really has seemed to catch her attention.

Allowing Chauncy to pick up the pace into a brisk walk, he bobbed his head merrily with each extending stride.

Claire, started to wonder out loud, it seemed to help her clear her mind whenever she discussed matters at hand with Chauncy. She felt that, although he couldn't verbally speak to her, he knew how she felt and what she was saying, answering in his own way. She continued aloud "how could something so horrible and sudden happen to Tom, he always had his heart in the right place -- reaching out to those in need with a kind word and warm hug, poor Patricia! I wish I knew how to comfort her."

Claire, becoming silent, listening to Chauncy's response of a big sigh, patted him on the neck and nodded in agreement as they approached the turn leading to the mouth of the woods. Chauncy perked up, and quickened pace into a jigging trot, he knew what awaited just around this bend in the trail.

Claire gathered her reins as they came out into the opening, the wide open space was a slice of heaven for both horse and rider. Chauncy, shook his head and snorted, allowing the very spirited side of his Thoroughbred sire to show. Claire adjusted her seat and reins one last time, she only had to nudge Chauncy slightly and they were off across the open field at a bounding gallop. Claire being an avid rider, loved their gallops through the field as much as Chauncy did.

Two hearts beating as one, as they flew across the field, all thoughts and stresses left their minds and bodies as they shared and enjoyed their small piece of heaven.


Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne

Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 5, 2011
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Claire completely lost track of time, and by the time she returned, the horses were in their stalls munching on their afternoon feed and she and Chauncy were the only ones moving about the barn. She loved these quiet times, alone with her horse.

Claire settled Chauncy into the washstall and removed his tack. She slung his bridle over her shoulder, scooped up his saddle, and headed into the tackroom.

After resting the saddle on the saddle tree and hanging the bridle on the cleaning hook, she walked over to her locker to change her boots.

When she opened the locker, there was something waiting for her; a plain white envelope with her name on it.

Who would have left her a note? She opened the envelope and read the message.

With a gasp, she let go of the paper and it fluttered to the floor.

On the paper were the words:

Tom Claxton was murdered and you know his killer.

Claire was frozen with panic and fear. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

She had no idea what to do next.

-- Edited by Barbara F on Wednesday 5th of January 2011 08:11:10 PM



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Grand Prix

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Date: Jan 6, 2011
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Jane had hooked Scholaire up in the cross ties, grooming his luxurious coat in perparation for the ride that awaited them. Finding herself rather contemplative, she began voicing her thoughts to the big Hanoverian, knowing he would probably understand a few words of what she had to say.

"You know Ollie, you sort of saved me in a way," she said fondly, gently brushing over the horse's withers. "Going over to Germany for your gorgeous self really made me realize just how much I don't need a man in my life. I've got all I could ever ask for right here at Sunny Hill." Jane smiled and continuted to brush out the beautiful dappled fur. "Forget Todd, that abusive jerk. He always did seem a little weird anyway... the way he would just stare off into space all blank-like, or the way he would get so mad if some poor school pony picked up the wrong lead," she paused for a moment, wondering if the horse had any idea who or what she was even talking about. "Anyway Ollie, you big ham, you're good pickin's, you know that?"

Jane spent a while longer grooming her new horse, making sure he was entirely spotless before she even thought about placing a piece of equipment on his priceless body. All the while, she found herself thinking about her ex-boyfriend.

Todd D'Avare had never been what one might call a classical horseman. Living off the inheritance he received from his rather well-off parents, he seemed to have no qualms with spending absurd amounts on luxurious items. One such endeavour was Gouverneur, a 17.2hh Selle Francais stallion he had imported from Europe as a two year old in hopes of making big money through means of breeding him.

When Todd discovered the market for an unproven stud's breeding rights was much lower than he had hoped, he set out to train the stallion himself. He began taking regular lessons with Ed Hostel, the best trainer in the area, and before long he was on the A-Circuit consistantly placing in the top of the class. However, his winning came at a cost. When Gouverneur's young joints began to decline due to such rigorous work at such a young age, Todd became frustrated and looked for quick fixes rather than to retire the champion horse out to stud.

Over time, the lack of patience Todd had begun to let show seemed to begin affecting everyone around him. Todd was asked to leave Ed's barn, and not long after, he rolled up to Sunny Hill Stables in his chromed out Dodge truck, Gouverneur in tow. That's when Jane first caught sight of the stunningly handsome sandy-haired man she would come to know as Todd D'Avare.


Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Morning Feed: Adoptable Equines

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